I Linoska ALvarez, I have 17 years. get up at 6:30 in the morning, i brush my theeth, I take a bath, and get dressed. At 7:20 Am I go to pharmacy school unitil 12 at noom, then at 1 Pm I go to college until 6 Pm. I arrive home at 7 Pm to make dinner,study, do homework, bath, brush my teeth and get ready to sleen. I
"Price tag" This video is about. "Money is not important" this videohave phrases like "why people is obssesed with money" "money cam not buy happiness"
"I wanna be a Billionaire". this video is about "Money is everyting" this video have phrases like "when I close my eyes. I see muy name shinning in light. "I want to smite in front of celebrities and Kings"
Linoska: hello Leonevelis how are you doing? Leonevelis: I am well thank you. Come in! Linoska: Hey, this is a nice house Leonevelis: thank you! It's only 400 a month Linoska: Really. Thant's not bad. How many rooms are there? Leonevelis: there are four, there's livingroom, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom. Linoska: that's good, why don't we do something? Leonevelis: Sounds good! Let's go shopping Linoska: I agree. Leonevelis: It was a pleasure to share with you. Linoska: Me too. I like being with you either. Leonevelis: see you later. Linoska: bye.